2nd Sindhu Moosewala:
Late Punjabi Singer Sidhu Moosewala’s parents are expecting their 2nd child this March, as claimed by several reports. As per reports, Sidhu’s mother, Charan Kaur, is pregnant, and the delivery date is March. Even close family members also claimed the same, as per reports.
While Sidhu was the only child of his parents, he was murdered in 2022. Sidhu’s mother is in her Fifties (58 years of age), and they have followed the Vitro Fertilization (IVF) method to get pregnant. We have explained clearly the details available as per reports.

Charan Kaur:
Charan Kaur, 58 years, and Balkaur Singh, 60 years, who were parents of Sidhu, are expecting their 2nd child next month. Though they did not officially confirm, the close family members revealed the same.
In addition, Sidhu’s mother, Charan Kaur, has been avoiding media and public environments. They have followed the Vitro Fertilization method to have children, and this flash news grabbed immediate attention from social media users after the news was reported.
What Is Vitro Fertilization?:
Vitro Fertilization is where mature eggs are collected from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in the lab. Then, one or more fertilized eggs, called embryos, will be placed in the mother’s womb. There are 3 types of Vitro Fertilization
- Natural cycle IVF
- Mild Stimulation IVF
- In Vitro Maturation (IVM).
However, it is unclear which procedure Sidhu’s parents followed to make the child.
IVF Treatment Benefits And Risks:
IVF Treatment Benefits
- IVF supports a high chance of pregnancy with a healthy baby.
- This procedure helps old parents to have a baby and improves the chances of the baby.
- Even the one with a low fertility rate in men can have a high chances
- This procedure mainly focuses on treating and decreasing fertility issues
IVF Treatment Risks:
- Sometimes, this procedure might become unsuccessful, and the patients have to undergo the procedure at different times.
- This procedure shows some critical side effects like Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome (OHSS) which is one of the significant side effects of this treatment.
- This treatment also increases the chances of multiple pregnancies, which are associated with health risks.
- High chances for premature birth of babies and low birth weight in babies.
- This procedure is costly for all medications, treatments, and procedures.
Pregnancy After 35:
Do you know what we call the stage when a couple gives birth after the age of 35 years? This stage is usually known as Advanced Maternal Age and has a higher risk of complications like miscarriage, genetic disorders, and high blood pressure. So, couples looking for pregnancy after the age of 35 years should consider complications and must take the most care during pregnancy.
One should make sure parental testing and monitor your health very closely. Even though there are complications, couples can have a healthy baby by taking more care and monitoring their health.
As per reports from doctors, the fertility rate after 30 years has declined and increased chances for complications. Risks associated with pregnancy after 35 years are
- Preeclampsia (pregnancy complicated with high blood pressure)
- Gestational diabetes (high blood sugar that affects pregnant women)
- Premature birth
- Having twins
- Miscarriages
- Genetic disorders
- Cesarean section
- Stillbirth (death of a baby before or during delivery)
One should take good care, have a healthy diet, and have regular checkups during pregnancy to avoid complications. This should be further improved as much as possible after 35 years, as the associated risks are higher than pregnancy below 35.
Shocking Incident: Sidhu Moosewala’s manager, BUNTY BAINS, has managed to escape an attack by unknown assassinators while dining in a restaurant in Mohali, Punjab. He ran and filed a police complaint on 27th February 2024.
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